Our Mission

To make it easier for our fellow Malaysians! By doing all the necessary research on daily products so you don’t have to!

We’ll filter out the best and recommend them to you, our readers!

About BestBuyGet

We are Malaysians writing product guides and reviews on daily household products!

BestBuyGet started as a compilation of our findings from research on what products to buy for our own house! We found it confusing with so many brands to choose!

Hence, we decided to keep expanding our database. So that we can help others save time and money!

You might be wondering what we get out of this:

When you read our blog and buy products through the links we provide, a small portion of the total may go to us. Via affiliate partnership with Lazada or Shopee. 

Or through other companies that we choose to work with. At no extra charge to you. More information about this on our disclosure page.

Either way, we put due diligence to make sure our site only has products that we would buy ourselves! And to keep our blog posts updated with relevant products!

Feel free to reach out to us for business inquiries, general feedback or suggestions!

Reasons To Trust Our Reviews

First of, we don’t have or use any fancy software to select products. Everything is hand-picked in a time-consuming process that involves our whole team!

We typically spend more than a few days to research products for a single topic. Depending on the topic. Researching laptops can take up to a week!

As of today, we have reviewed more than 3,000 products since we started bestbuyget.com.

Our research covers combing through multiple review platforms and pages by leads in a particular industry. Or watching countless review videos by experts in their field who have tested the products!

Occasionally, we get to test the products ourselves if we personally own them.

Or when companies reach out to us for a collaboration (don’t worry, we always point out which products have been sponsored). Not all sponsored products get chosen! We only accept products we think are good! And always give our honest opinions on them!

That applies to our all of our product selections. We only ever recommend products that we would buy ourselves! And where possible, only from reputable brands that are known for their reliability!

How We Review Products

It’s not uncommon for our writers to have 5-10 tabs open to extract and summarize useful information from different sources. Comparing different models to each other as well. 

And all for your reading pleasure and convenience!

Our aim is to help you make well-informed buying decisions that will save you heartache and money in the long run! And spare the landfills from more junk!

So we also categorize our finds (after finalizing our product selection) into appropriate categories for our unique recommendation lists at the top of each of our posts

After every write up is complete, it goes through one final reading by our editors before getting published on the site!

And the work doesn’t stop there!

We continuously update our existing posts every few months, with new products that make the cut, replacing others that are no longer sold.

Keeping our content fresh and relevant so you don’t miss out on better products!

If you do find an outdated product, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We really appreciate the feedback!

The BestBuyGet Team

Janice Yong

Founder / Editorial Director

Wanted to be an author as a kid, got a D in English (First Language), but somehow now a content writer with an engineering background. Bakes, does yoga, plays the piano, reads, and most other introverted indoor hobbies.

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Yaw Guan Hong

Content Writer For Tech

Guan Hong is the tech writer & editor for BestBuyGet.com. He grew up loving stories so much he did a degree in English. Currently works as a content writer and has written far more listicles than he’d like to admit. His interests include tech, music, video games, and animation.

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Ameer Ashraf

Content Writer For Tech

Freelance writer with a passion for all things tech & pop culture. When’s he’s not writing, he’s reading and watching videos on the latest gadgets, smartphones, and video games.

Otherwise, just a normal, everyday tech head who enjoys gaming, memes, watching the hottest new anime, or taking a short walk on the beach.

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Jasmine Chiam

Content Writer For Health & Beauty

Honors graduate from Monash University in the pharmacy field. Loves writing and wanted to do something related to medicine but did not personally want to be a doctor. Her passion for writing sparked again and somehow drew her towards content writing on health and wellness. Jasmine is also an avid gamer and music-lover who is crazy about salmon and sushi. Dreams to visit Japan one day (for the salmon), hopefully with her own hard-earned money.

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Michelle Anne Kam

Content Writer

A passionate INFJ who can’t start the day without a cup of coffee. Her world revolves around online marketing, writing, the gym and K-dramas.

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Brenda Ho

Content Writer

Digital marketer and freelance writer with a background in Economics. Performed original spoken word poetry at open mics for a couple of years. When I’m not in front of my screen, you can find me playing board games, doing Pilates, and exploring the city.

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